Tuesday, August 11, 2009

ultrasound number 2

Had an ultrasound today to check the baby's placement and size. The doctor thought that our little one was getting too big and was maybe breech. The ultrasound went great. Little baby Fry is head down as supposed to be and is measuring right on target for our duedate. I do have a big belly but the rest of me is the same size as before pregancy, poor little baby is running out of room inside and is pushing my belly out even further. Everything looks great and healthy. It was so nice to be able to see our baby for the 2nd time only. So now on to wait for stuff to happen.


Dani said...

No peek at all as to boy or girl? How can you stand the wait! I'm so glad to hear all is just right and you won't have to have a C.

Julie said...

WE were able to see if it is a boy or girl, but no telling yet.