I thought I would post some updated pictures. Jordyn and us are doing great. She seems to be such an easy baby, which kinda has me worried as now I want more and more. She loves to laugh and smile. She does get fussy but looks so darn cute when she is mad that it is okay. Also we are so lucky that it is very rare that she gets up in the night and is very easy to put to bed. We are having so much fun. She just loves everyone, esp her Daddy, she can't get enough of him. We are looking forward to Christmas. We will be staying home and having Christmas by ourselves. Hopefully we will get some visits from family before or after. I haven't bought any gifts for her yet, heres to hoping I don't go overboard. I don't think I will though as she is so little and doesn't need much.
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
Monday, October 19, 2009
Just a Little Note
It is interesting how busy one can be who has nothing to do then at other times how bored one can be when their is lots to do. Jordyn and us are doing really well. Sometimes feel over whelmed by the continuity of it, this is forever. But very much enjoying being at home and watching my little girl grow up. She has changed so much in a month and a half.
Thursday, September 24, 2009
Thursday, August 27, 2009
The Big Day
So tomorrow (Friday Aug 28th) should be the big day. After discussing it with our doctor we have decided to be induced Friday morning. So by Friday sometime or Saturday we should have a baby!
Monday, August 17, 2009
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
ultrasound number 2
Had an ultrasound today to check the baby's placement and size. The doctor thought that our little one was getting too big and was maybe breech. The ultrasound went great. Little baby Fry is head down as supposed to be and is measuring right on target for our duedate. I do have a big belly but the rest of me is the same size as before pregancy, poor little baby is running out of room inside and is pushing my belly out even further. Everything looks great and healthy. It was so nice to be able to see our baby for the 2nd time only. So now on to wait for stuff to happen.
Friday, August 7, 2009
Wedding Dress Shopping
Last week my sister and I went to a nearby city wedding dress shopping. It was so much fun. She wanted something simple but elegant and formal. These are just a few of the many she tried on. It is so much more fun shopping for someone else. Which dress do you think looks best????
I love the one she picked, it suits her very well. Guess which one??
37 Week Appointment
My blood pressure was up at the appointment but I was not surprised as I had lost my keys and was late for the appointment so I was quite worked up. Hgb was a little low but not too bad. Had my group B swab and first check. No cervical changes, pooo. Also my doctor was concerned that the baby may be breech or in position with his/her hand by his/her face in the pelvis. Baby is measuring 38-39 weeks already. So we have an ultrasound next week to check size and position. My doctor said he gives us a 50/50 chance of needing a c-section. Not the news we wanted but it is fine. I would much rather know I likely need a section and can book it and the doctor I want ahead of time than suddenly needing an emergency one. I wonder if our dates are off and that is why the baby is big, because I had thought I was due sooner than the dates the ultrasounds gave me. Hopefully baby is in okay position, I keep thinking of my poor baby's hand getting squished in my pelvis.
Today I went and preregistered at the hospital and visited with a bunch of coworkers there. It is nice to have preregistered, they filled out all my admitting papers and showed me around. I had been on the mat ward before but had never worked there so it was nice to snoop around and see what stuff is like.
So now we just wait. Wait for the ultrasound next Tues and see what the plan is after that, unless we go into labor before that and get to meet our little one.
Today I went and preregistered at the hospital and visited with a bunch of coworkers there. It is nice to have preregistered, they filled out all my admitting papers and showed me around. I had been on the mat ward before but had never worked there so it was nice to snoop around and see what stuff is like.
So now we just wait. Wait for the ultrasound next Tues and see what the plan is after that, unless we go into labor before that and get to meet our little one.
Monday, August 3, 2009
Heavy load
37 Weeks
37 Weeks pregnant!!! Yah!!!
I am getting really excited to meet our little one and to see if we have a son or daughter. I am feeling really good. Every little ache or pain I stop and wonder 'What was that', 'Is something starting'. I am getting back cramps at times and pelvic pressure so I am hoping that is the beginning of something, though it could still take a few weeks. This weeks appointment will be the first time I get checked so I am hoping that there is some progress happening.
Just waiting and wondering!
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
Pregnant Camping
We took our little trailer to the hills a few hours away for 3 nights of camping. It rained and rained the first 2 days, which made everything very muddy which Justin really enjoyed. I am glad we have a big truck as we were pulling our little trailer through all sorts of muddy trails and hills, poor trailer was sliding all over. We got a nice camp spot on the creek. Then next day Justin's brother and girlfriend arrived. We spent one day fishing and walking around a nearby lake but did not catch anything. Poor Hemi hurt her foot and was limping all over the place feeling sorry for herself. It slowly got better over the next few days, so was nothing to worry about. Justin fished along the creek and caught about a dozen, some fairly big. I was worried about camping 34 weeks pregnant, but it was great. Only thing was needing to pee in the night. But these hills do not have many bears, just cougars, so I was not afraid to go out on my own. Ate lots of bad snacks like pop and chips and candy, which we normally never have.
Here is a picture of me in the trailer. It made me laugh with my green belly sticking out of my coat that I could not do up completely.
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Update 30 Weeks
This is not a very good picture but I thought I would add it anyway.
I am 30 weeks and 3 days today. Feeling much better since I have been off work. I still get quite sore esp if I overdo it. I limit myself to standing or walking for 20-30 minutes max then resting for at least 10 minutes. That is definitely helping the pain. Still getting some mild contractions but very random and much less than before; probably due to less stress. Sleep can still be difficult, esp when it is hot.
Little baby is doing well. We had a doctors appt today and found that little one's head is low but not engaged, so he/she may swim away into another position. I wondered if the head was low as I have been feeling hiccups quite low; very strange feeling. Little one's heartrate is 150, strong and healthy. My gestational diabetes test is negative so that is good. But my RH antibodie bloodwork was not done as my name was spelled wrong by my doc on the lab req. So I will have to redo that bloodtest.
I am 30 weeks and 3 days today. Feeling much better since I have been off work. I still get quite sore esp if I overdo it. I limit myself to standing or walking for 20-30 minutes max then resting for at least 10 minutes. That is definitely helping the pain. Still getting some mild contractions but very random and much less than before; probably due to less stress. Sleep can still be difficult, esp when it is hot.
Little baby is doing well. We had a doctors appt today and found that little one's head is low but not engaged, so he/she may swim away into another position. I wondered if the head was low as I have been feeling hiccups quite low; very strange feeling. Little one's heartrate is 150, strong and healthy. My gestational diabetes test is negative so that is good. But my RH antibodie bloodwork was not done as my name was spelled wrong by my doc on the lab req. So I will have to redo that bloodtest.
Thursday, May 28, 2009
Feeling Sorry For Myself
I have been feeling very discouraged lately. My emotions are all over the map. The most discouraging thing is that physically I have also been feeling badly. I have been having trouble with really bad back pain especially at work. 12 hour shifts on the concrete floors are not good, let alone if you add in a busy day with lifting and moving people and wheelchairs and stretchers and bending down all the time. At home I get bad back pain at times but at home I am able to lie down for a while and it slowly gets better or have a warm bath. No such luck at work. Partway through my shift I get shooing pains from my but down my legs, I am thinking it is sciatica. Not to mention that doing my prenatal yoga last night I pulled my groin, what a mess I am.
Another challenge I am having is major trouble sleeping. Sometimes I sleep okay, other than waking to pee and acid reflux; but those don't bother me too much. Then other times I am awake for 6-8 hours, thinking and thinking, all sorts of useless thoughts going through my head. Worrying about work, about family, about taking my year off and getting lonely and left behind. Today I took a sick day at work because I was up all night (also sore crotch, see above complaint), too bad I had to use a sick day today when I would be working with my favorite doctor which is always fun.
Being so emotional and upset about work, I have decided that I need to not worry so much about them and if I need a sick day here and there I am going to take it. Also my boss keeps bugging me to fill out all the papers for my mat leave so she can advertise my position. Well too bad, I am not sure yet. I need to talk to my doctor and get him to sign my papers anyway. Hopefully he wont want to put me off work right away because of my back, as that would get boring. So that is what is going on in my little world. Sorry for being such a downer.
Another challenge I am having is major trouble sleeping. Sometimes I sleep okay, other than waking to pee and acid reflux; but those don't bother me too much. Then other times I am awake for 6-8 hours, thinking and thinking, all sorts of useless thoughts going through my head. Worrying about work, about family, about taking my year off and getting lonely and left behind. Today I took a sick day at work because I was up all night (also sore crotch, see above complaint), too bad I had to use a sick day today when I would be working with my favorite doctor which is always fun.
Being so emotional and upset about work, I have decided that I need to not worry so much about them and if I need a sick day here and there I am going to take it. Also my boss keeps bugging me to fill out all the papers for my mat leave so she can advertise my position. Well too bad, I am not sure yet. I need to talk to my doctor and get him to sign my papers anyway. Hopefully he wont want to put me off work right away because of my back, as that would get boring. So that is what is going on in my little world. Sorry for being such a downer.
27/28 weeks
I thought this was interesting. Amazing how quickly babies develop. At our hospital we just had 2 babies born at 26 weeks last week. One did not make it but one is supposedly doing really well. Amazing.
"Your baby has doubled her weight in the past month and is the size of a bag of flour. She now weighs almost 2 1/2 pounds. Her total length is nearly fifteen inches. Your baby's lungs are now capable of breathing air! This is big news. It means if the baby is born from now on, she'll be able to survive with less medical intervention. Your baby's main job right now is to put the finishing touches on major organ systems, such as her brain, lungs, and liver. As you can probably tell, she's also working on gaining layers of fat. Her body fat is about 2 to 3 percent. Your baby's eyes, which were covered by her eyelid folds at the sixth week of development, are capable of opening this week. Her sucking and swallowing skills are improving."
"Your baby has doubled her weight in the past month and is the size of a bag of flour. She now weighs almost 2 1/2 pounds. Her total length is nearly fifteen inches. Your baby's lungs are now capable of breathing air! This is big news. It means if the baby is born from now on, she'll be able to survive with less medical intervention. Your baby's main job right now is to put the finishing touches on major organ systems, such as her brain, lungs, and liver. As you can probably tell, she's also working on gaining layers of fat. Her body fat is about 2 to 3 percent. Your baby's eyes, which were covered by her eyelid folds at the sixth week of development, are capable of opening this week. Her sucking and swallowing skills are improving."
Saturday, May 2, 2009
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Random Thoughts with a Random Picture
So we have a boy and a girl name picked out, but we will not be telling anyone. We may change our minds again.
I am quite sick with a terrible sore throat and a cough. Not fun. Not getting much sleep at all. My throat hurts so bad sometimes, it wakes me when I am sleeping. And now today the runny nose has started. The little one does not seem to mind as he/she is still kicking and swimming around lots.
Today has been rainy and snowy and just plain nice springy.
I have many projects waiting that I want to accomplish before the baby arrives but have such little energy right now.
I will try to get the nursery somewhat set up and take a picture for you all.
Here is a picture of my sweet Hemi wearing a hat.
Thursday, April 9, 2009
What is going on in there?
Doctors Appt
So the little one and I had another doctors appointment today. The more I see him makes me like him even more as my doctor and not just as my friend. Got our official ultrasound report and everything looks great. Found out that Justin's blood type is + while mine is -, so I will for sure need at least one Whinrho shot in a few weeks. Heard baby's heartbeat at 160, kicking me the whole time. We also talked alot about delivery and I am so pleased that his views are the same as mine. He rarely induces, rarely uses episeotomies and very rarely uses vaccum or forceps. He said that nature knows what it is doing and I completely agree. We also talked about pain control, about drugs and possible epidural, but mostly to see how it goes and use the shower/tub/ball etc. I can't say that I am against pain control measures as I have never done this before and do not know how it will go or how I will handle it but I am committed to trying all natural routes first. I have been regualrily practicing my yoga and hoping that and relaxation will help me let my body do what it has to.
Saturday, April 4, 2009
We had our ultrasound, everything looks good as far as I can tell. Our little one was moving around so much we were unable to see for sure if there was a penis or not. Likely a girl. We were able to see the spine, stomach, bladder, and four chambers of the heart beating. We saw little hands and feet kicking and punching. Beautiful profiles of a little face, looks like Justin's nose.
Monday, March 2, 2009
2nd Trimester
The second trimester has started. I had a doctors appointment today and hear the little ones heartbeat. Nice strong heartbeat at 156/ min. Found my Hgb is a little low which is likely why I am still so tired. I have only gained 0.6lbs, and my doctor told me to eat more, but I eat enough for 2 already. In 4 weeks we will have an ultrasound and another doctors appointment.
Monday, February 16, 2009
12 Weeks 5 Days
Monday, February 2, 2009
So I am doing mostly good. Feeling quite sick at time, lots of vomit at times. But that is somewhat better since I have been taking Dicletin. Justin says that I am very emotional, but I really don't see it being any different than normal. Had a bad weekend a while ago with vomiting, maybe I had the stomach flu as I also had a fever. That wiped me out for 2 days. Also I missed a day of work this weekend; kinda a mental health day as I was very emotional but also think I kinda overdid it at the busy day of work and was having lite cramping.
I have finally picked my baby doctor and have had 2 appointments with him. He was so happy when he found out I was preggo. He is so kind and easy going which is so nice. I go back in 4 weeks and by then his clinic will have their own ultrasound machine so he said I can go early and watch baby. I was worried I would be uncomfortable with him looking down there as we are friends with him outside of work but it was no big deal.
I am hoping I get my holidays I have asked for over the next few months so I can get some more weekends off and not work full time. I find myself overwhelmed at times, I think due to sudden onsets of tiredness that seem to randomly hit me. Also I find food quite gross though I am hungry, which has made cooking and eating healthful a challenge.
Tuesday, January 6, 2009
First ultrasound
I had an ultrasound today. It was so uncomfortable having my bladder all full and then when I went in for the u/s the tech said that my bladder was too full and squishing the baby so she coudn't see. So then I had to go pee 200mls and then she could see the tiny baby. Then we did an intravaginal u/s so we could see better. The baby measures 6 weeks 4 days which is right on time. She said the yolk sac looked healthy. We could see the little heart beating away, 124 bpm, which is also right on target.
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