Monday, March 2, 2009

2nd Trimester

The second trimester has started. I had a doctors appointment today and hear the little ones heartbeat. Nice strong heartbeat at 156/ min. Found my Hgb is a little low which is likely why I am still so tired. I have only gained 0.6lbs, and my doctor told me to eat more, but I eat enough for 2 already. In 4 weeks we will have an ultrasound and another doctors appointment.


Dani said...

How good to hear that all is well! Can't wait to find out what you are having. :)

Lori B. said...

Yay!! Can't believe you are so far along already!!!

Effie said...

I'm so happy for you Julie. I know that everything will be okay. Just keep taking good care of yourself. Love you.