Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Random Thoughts with a Random Picture

So we have a boy and a girl name picked out, but we will not be telling anyone. We may change our minds again.
I am quite sick with a terrible sore throat and a cough. Not fun. Not getting much sleep at all. My throat hurts so bad sometimes, it wakes me when I am sleeping. And now today the runny nose has started. The little one does not seem to mind as he/she is still kicking and swimming around lots.
Today has been rainy and snowy and just plain nice springy.
I have many projects waiting that I want to accomplish before the baby arrives but have such little energy right now.
I will try to get the nursery somewhat set up and take a picture for you all.

Here is a picture of my sweet Hemi wearing a hat.

Thursday, April 9, 2009

What is going on in there?

This little one is moving all the time. Rolling, fluttering and lots of kicks. I wonder what he/she is up too?

Doctors Appt

So the little one and I had another doctors appointment today. The more I see him makes me like him even more as my doctor and not just as my friend. Got our official ultrasound report and everything looks great. Found out that Justin's blood type is + while mine is -, so I will for sure need at least one Whinrho shot in a few weeks. Heard baby's heartbeat at 160, kicking me the whole time. We also talked alot about delivery and I am so pleased that his views are the same as mine. He rarely induces, rarely uses episeotomies and very rarely uses vaccum or forceps. He said that nature knows what it is doing and I completely agree. We also talked about pain control, about drugs and possible epidural, but mostly to see how it goes and use the shower/tub/ball etc. I can't say that I am against pain control measures as I have never done this before and do not know how it will go or how I will handle it but I am committed to trying all natural routes first. I have been regualrily practicing my yoga and hoping that and relaxation will help me let my body do what it has to.

Saturday, April 4, 2009


We had our ultrasound, everything looks good as far as I can tell. Our little one was moving around so much we were unable to see for sure if there was a penis or not. Likely a girl. We were able to see the spine, stomach, bladder, and four chambers of the heart beating. We saw little hands and feet kicking and punching. Beautiful profiles of a little face, looks like Justin's nose.