Tuesday, December 23, 2008


So I just got a call from the doctor. My hCG number is 545, which I think is great.
My book states the ranges are; 4 weeks 5 to 426; and 5 weeks 19 to 7,340. So I would say I am just newly 5 weeks approx. That is great, I was really hoping my numbers would be over 100; though you can be below that and still have a great pregnancy just like you can be high and have a poor outcome. But it is reassuring.

Christmas Presents

As most everyone who knows me knows that we have already opened our Christmas presents. We (mostly me) are bad.

We got a beautiful huge BBQ from Justin's Dad. It is going to be so great in the summer.

Justin got me Carhart overalls, but they are the wrong size so I had to return them and they did not have my size but that is ok. Also Justin got me the 2nd season of Survivorman, which I LOVE. And my own girl sized mechanix gloves, so now when I am helping him I don't have to use his huge floppy fingered gloves.

I got Justin4 hotrod movies which we have watched multiple multiple times. And a Family Guy calender which is so funny.


Just waiting for a call from the doctor on my blood levels. Waiting, waiting....

Getting very excited about going to my parents house for Christmas and telling them. I don't have any cute ideas of how to tell them, maybe Justin will. Also I am hoping we will meet Justin's Dad for supper on our way home on Sat and tell him. He will be so happy. He may be out of the country though as he has not emailed me back yet, he works overseas. Also thinking we should call Justin's brother to let him know as we wont be seeing him this Christmas. And than that just leaves Justin's Mom and her Husband who we will likely call on Christmas day.

Well that is my update other than I still have a terrible sore throat. It is much worse at night. Makes it hard to sleep. I am feeling good otherwise, little bit of dizziness at the doctors yesterday and feel a little bit of a seasick stomach sometimes, but very very good!

Monday, December 22, 2008


So I just got back from the doctors. The doctor I think I have decided on is away till mid Jan so I went to a different guy. They did a urine BHCG at the clinic that was positive and I have blood work done at the hospital to check the level of pregnancy hormone. The doc is supposed to call me with the numbers, he is kinda scatterbrained though, so I may have to call him. Also he booked me an ultrasound so I can be sure of my dates. My ultrasound is for Jan 6th, which is great. Just hoping I can get my serum levels back before we tell our parents at Christmas. I hope they are high!!

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Saturday, December 13, 2008

Famous People Christmas Party

So the party was really fun. There where about 25 people and lots in worse costumes than us. Jesus was there, he got his beard caught on a Christmas wreath when he was coming in the house, it was very funny.
We were randomly broken into teams to go on a scavenger hunt though town in the blizzard. I was chosen as a driver as I don't drink, so I had to drive our big lifted truck. I felt bad for our team as I am not that fast of a driver esp in a blizzard, but we did pretty good. We had to find random items like a rubbarb leaf, rotten banana etc. The second half we had to take pictures/videos of someone on our team doing things such as chewing a strangers already chewed gum, dancing on speakers, getting a stranger to give us the shirt off his back. It was really fun. Justin and I were on other teams, his team was really fast and they won. After we all tried to play games but by then some people were quite drunk, like Justin and could not understand the rules for some of the games.

Famous People Christmas Party

Dr Phil with the Lone Rangers hat.

Famous People Christmas Party

Sarah Palin and John McCain

Famous People Christmas Party

Tommy Lee and Shrek (in tights, he won for best costume)

Famous People Christmas Party

Pamela Anderson, who brought her PETA fliers.

Famous People Christmas Party

Dr Phil- aka Megan

Mrs Apu Nehasapeenapetalon - aka Lisa

Oprah- aka Candace

Famous People Christmas Party

The Lone Ranger and his sidekick Tonto.

Too bad we were a few generations too late as most people at the party did not know who we where, they thought Justin was a bandit and I Pocahontas.
Only picture we took of both of us, too bad I am making a strange face.

Famous People Christmas Party

Justin's finalized costume. Note mask, hat, bandanna and gun belt. Ready to party.

Famous People Christmas Party

Justin before the party fixing his Lone Ranger mask.
Justin playing charades. He was a horse!

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Famous People Christmas Party

So we are going to a Christmas party this Friday at a friends house. You have to dress up like famous people (whether real or not). Justin is not much of a party guy anyway so he was not excited to go initially, then when he heard he has to wear a costume he did not want to go at all. Then I told him that at the start of the party we are going to be broken into teams and have to go on a scavenger hunt through town in our costumes, he was not impressed. He did finally agree to go but only if he could go as Johnny Cash. We tried to do his hair like Johnny and it was a no go. So then I thought maybe we could go as John Travolta and Olivia NewtonJohn from Grease, but again the hair and costumes was not working, plus Justin hates John Travolta and Grease. Then out of the blue Justin suggests he be the Lone Ranger and I can be Tonto. After all the laughing died down we decided that that was actually a good idea. So now we have to borrow a white cowboy hat and I have to find some toy guns and make him a mask. I will rent a indian brave costume from the costume store and use bronzer on my face. It will be very funny. I can't believe that he is going to do this, it should be so much fun.

Thursday, December 4, 2008

The Best Thing About Winter Is HOCKEY!!!!!!

Our big beautiful dog and parents little puppy last Christmas

Christmas puppy; last year.

Ready for Christmas

So now it is December and it is finally Christmas season. I am all done shopping for gifts and have all the gifts wrapped. Also I am finished and have sent all my Christmas cards. Justin and I are bad as we have already opened most of our gifts. We likely wont have anything to open on Christmas morning. Justin put up the Christmas lights last week. All we need now is a tree.

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

My Democratic Rant

This is a copy of a post I sent to my American friends about what is going on in our country and I like it so much I thought I would post it here.

We just voted in our election about 6 weeks ago. We have a very different system from you guys. We have a multi party system, anyone can make a party instead of your 2 party system. Our main parties are the Conservatives (more capitalist, which I support), the Liberal (more socialist), and the New Democrat Party (more socialist and spend happy). We also have the BLOQ(separatist party of Quebec which has a fair amount of power but only in Quebec) and the Green Party (environmentalist, small power), plus many tiny parties that don't get any support like the communist party and the don't want to work party (it is an actual party).

When we have an election you can vote for any party that has a person running in your area. Each area gets one seat in parliament and the party with the most seats is in power and the leader of the party with the most seats is the Prime Minister (like your President). So we don't actually vote for the Prime Minister himself unless he is running in our riding(area), we vote for the individual in our area from the party we support with the party leader we want as Prime Minister. Hope that makes sense.

So 6 weeks ago we had an election and Steven Harper and the Conservative Party won the most seats so they are the boss. But they did not win enough seats to have more than half the Parliament seats, so they have a minority government. But they won way more seats than any other party, close to more than half the seats of the Parliament. The problem is that the loosing parties (Liberal, NDP and BLOQ) have decided to join together to overthrow the leading party (the Conservatives). Which I find as very unfair and undemocratic. We just elected our government, Canadians did not vote for a joined coalition government of Liberal/NDP/BLOQ, Canadian voted for Conservative government. I think the Liberal/NDP/BLOQ should join together if they choose and let us vote as is our right. It is sneaky to quietly go through an election campaigning for your party then afterwards suddenly scrap your party to join with others without Canadians having the chance to vote on it. We will know on Monday what is happening. Because we are a commonwealth of Britain, the Queens representative must decide what is constitutional, to either call another election or allow the sitting government to be taken over. It did happen once before that the ruling party was overthrown in 1928 in the world war.

I feel very disappointed. How would you feel if you just voted and elected your government then they tell you all the voting does not matter that they can pick the government without the people consent. I love my country but it make me feel like democracy has no meaning.

How is that for a rant!