Thursday, October 2, 2008

New Vacuum

Well, I bought a new vacuum today. I had picked one out from the sears website, for $250. I thought today I would look around town just in case I could find it here. At Walmart I was looking at their vacuum and looking at a Hoover for $150. The one from sears got my attention because of 3 features; it can do bare floors, it has a small power head for stairs or pet beds and the canister can be removed to ease vacuuming the stairs. Well the Hoover at Walmart has 2 of the 3 features I wanted for $100 less, the mini power head and bare floors. It also has some other nice features. I thought about it in the store and decided that since I am saving $100, I could also buy the little spot carpet shampooer too for $100. We have needed a little carpet cleaner because of Miss Piddle Pants the cat, and ooops or sicky times with the dog. So I went and got a cart and went back to the vacuums to load up the one I wanted when I noticed that it is not $150, it is on sale for $88. You can't get better than that.

So here at home, I have already tried both machines. The vacuum sucks (which is good for a vacuum) really well, way way better than my old vacuum. Also tried the spot remover, it works well, not as good as the large commercial units, but gets the job done and is easy to use. Yeah!!


Lori B. said...

Hi, J!! Just wanted to tell you I was reading the background!!

Dani said...

I so could use a new vacuum and a spot cleaner. What sort did you end up getting?

Julie said...

I bought a Bissel spot bot and a Hoover vacuum.